The Science Behind the Buying Brain [Chapter 3]
The Secret Formula of Subject Lines
WHY? One of the biggest issues in sending sales emails is getting viewers to open and read them – we might have created a brilliant email, but the sorry fact is that nothing happens unless it’s opened.
Here’s the shocker:
80% of our emails
remain unread.
So, how do you mitigate against this waste and loss of sales? Can you use brain science to write better subject lines; is there a formula?

• Real-Life Tips & Techniques to get viewers to open and read your emails
• A collection of the World’s BEST performing subject lines to inspire and use… and the WORST (are you guilty?)
• The WIIFM subject line filter; a great and simple way to get you to the best headline/subject line. (P.S. I use this technique all the time)
• Spam filters, what to do
• The great emoji debate – yes or no in subject lines?
• And the winner? The World’s Best Subject Line

The Secret Formula of Subject Lines
The Science behind the ” Buying” Brain [Chapter 3]