Neuro School
Guarantee and Q&A

Fast track your NeuroMarketing knowledge with these game-changer masterclasses and make this your best sales year ever.

Q. How is your course different – there’s so much hype out there about NeuroMarketing?

A.  This Masterclass takes you beyond the theory; it’s 100% practical; applied NeuroMarketing in the real world. We are not academics; we are getting results daily for our corporate clients who outsource their digital to us; so you are learning from our applied experience and real-life case studies.

Q. My major objective is to find new clients and make new sales. Do you have proof that this works?

A.  Yes, see results

Q. Which major corporates are already using this method?

A.  See our client list

Q. I need to justify this cost. Will I get real design templates to use; ideas I can copy immediately and put into practice?

A.  Yes. See delegate feedback

Q. If I register and make payment, but then realise that this won’t work for me, am I out of money?

A. No, you get a full refund within 24 hours.

Q. What if I just don’t like it after I have completed the course?

A. No problem, we don’t ask questions and you still get the refund. Just apply for the refund within 3 days of download.

Q. I don’t want to hassle to get my money back.

A. Again, no problem, the money-back guarantee is no questions asked.

Q. Even if I ask for a refund, can I keep and use the knowledge I learned along the way?

A. Yes, you will owe us nothing.

Presenter Colleen Backstrom is Director of NeuroMarketing, Kaleidoscope, the leading online marketing company specialising in Applied NeuroMarketing for Email, Web, Social. About Colleen here

neuromarketing course
Neuro Masterclasses:
The Science Behind the "Buying" Brain
Start free here...

neuromarketing courseNeuroMarketing is the study of choice and how our emotions drive those choices. So how does it differ from normal digital marketing and what are the true profits we can expect?

The Science Behind the Buying Brain Lesson 1  


Specialised Masterclass
C-suite Overview

R5975 / $418 / €388

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Is this for you? It’s your job to identify strategic trends to drive new sales and profits.  This fast-track executive overview is your shortcut to digital NeuroMarketing; your window into this game-changing new science.  Masterclass MBA content with strong lessons from Harvard.neuromarketing course
Download help here

Masterclass 1
The "Buying" Brain
5-step Success Formula
R1759 / $93 / €87

Is this for you? You’re looking to fast-track your expertise and confidence in driving digital sales – upskilling, recognition, career growth – and global-best inspiration and motivation…
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FREE cheatsheet included

Download help here

Specialised Masterclass
Advanced Workshop

Book here
Live on Zoom (6 hours)

neuromarketing courseIs this for you? Applied NeuroMarketing is your career choice. You want an in-depth proficiency, a practical understanding of global research; a fresh new look into the neuro triggers that drive online conversions; how to monetise the theory behind the science to get to the “buy” button in the brain.
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neuromarketing course
"In my 15 years with the WPO, this has been one of the best presentations I’ve heard by someone who’s simply brilliant in both knowledge and delivery. I’m thinking communications overhaul for at least two organizations I’m involved with. There will be a significant impact…” Anne Messenger, Chapter Chair, Woman Presidents Organization New York, USA

"There are no other courses available that meet the standard, content and speed of these masterclasses on NeuroMarketing.” Penny Louw, University of Cape Town