Leadership: What are you doing for yourself?
At my Vistage business meeting last week Ian Kennedy – Leading for Effective Performance – put the

How to disagree productively and find common ground
In this TED’s talk Julia Dhar suggests it’s time we reshape the way we talk to each other so we can start disagreeing productively… read more>
The Four Languages of Failure
An author on business writing (Tom Sant) describes four languages of failure which often get between us and our audience…read more>

Subtracting to solve problems – NOT to do list
You know that feeling; you’ve been very busy all day – doing nothing – the frustration of knowing you’ve worked hard, but nothing was achieved… read more>
11 signs you’re going to be successful
If you’re pursuing your passions, if you’re learning, and if you’re forging meaningful relationships, you’re probably on track to do great things – even if you aren’t extraordinarily famous or wealthy...
read more>
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“One small POSITIVE THOUGHT in the morning, can change the entire outcome of your day.”