3 Reasons why people won’t buy your products
“without imagining a better future our clients will not buy our products”
3 Reasons why people won’t buy your products
1. They don’t believe they have the problem that your product or service offers to solve.
2. They don’t believe that the problem is big enough for action, or to throw money at it.
3. They don’t believe your solution will work.
Spend SERIOUS time in analysing the WHY? of your offering and formulate a break-through response to these often-unspoken objections.
“… without imagining a better future our clients will not buy our products”
1. What does your client’s “better future” look like? Imagine if…
2. Are the consequences of not buying your service financially measurable? Are there comparisons you can use?
3. Is your solution a priority? How deep is the pain? Include this pain in the WHY? of your message.
4. Research – ask your clients why they are not buying. This knowledge is GOLD.
NeuroMarketing requires us to think deeply about what matters to our clients.
My mother would have called this process “… walking in another man’s shoes”.
Colleen Backstrom
Colleen Backstrom is Director of NeuroMarketing, Kaleidoscope, a global leader in applied NeuroMarketing for Digital. She specialises in creating B2B email and web campaigns and optimising Zoom/Teams selling by converting existing sales pitches to NeuroMarketing.

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