NeuroMarketing – What Makes a Good Corporate ID?
“A good corporate ID is like a good suit”
What is a good corporate ID?
A good corporate ID is like a good suit. It instantly tells people who you are. It says something about your style, what you do, and how you do it showing that you are experienced, formal, sophisticated, warm, friendly, trendy, cutting edge.
Before you implement your corporate ID, do ensure that it is the correct one for your business. You obviously need to like the design, yes, but more importantly, does it say the right things about your company?
So how does a manager [especially if not artistic] know that what is finally presented is any good?
Here are some guidelines to ensure you get the right symbol.
Logo design essentials
1. Simple and simple to describe
2. Memorable
3. Effective in black and white
4. Scalable i.e. work when a postage stamp size; or on the side of a building
5. Relevant to the industry in question
Points one and two go hand-in-hand, because if you can’t describe what a logo looks like, then how will you be able to remember it? Number three is important because colour is secondary to the shape and form. If the logo doesn’t work in black only, no amount of colour will rescue it. And, number four is vital for alternative uses e.g. office stationery (pens, pin badges etc.)
Once a logo design has been presented ask yourself:
1. Is the design classically a good one?
Is it a style that works today and yet has “legs”, and will still look good in 30 years? Remember too that a good logo is part of the goodwill that exchanges hands when a company is sold.
2. Does the logo design work when enlarged?
… as it may well appear on a factory wall or roof. Does it still work? Or do the relative weights of the colours change? Is the design recognisable at speed for billboards, posters, vehicles? One way to check is to project it onto a wall out of focus to see if it remains identifiable.
3. Does it look good online, and onscreen?
Does the logo work in one colour? Does the design reduce down to a small size? Your logo will be used in print or online so reduce it down to l cm. Is it still identifiable? It won’t be if it is too detailed, and if lines are too thin or the white spaces inside are too small.
Download the Corporate ID – your Q&A checklist to best practice here
Colleen Backstrom
Colleen Backstrom is Director of NeuroMarketing, Kaleidoscope, a global leader in applied NeuroMarketing for Digital. She specialises in creating B2B email and web campaigns and optimising Zoom/Teams selling by converting existing sales pitches to NeuroMarketing.

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