Leading for Effective Performance
At my Vistage business meeting last week Ian Kennedy – Leading for Effective Performance – put the follow questions up on the smart board. They are from Otto Scharmer’s ground breaking book, (TheoryU Model: how to open our mind, emotions and will to moments of discovery and mutual understanding)

I found the questions insightful and, unlike my colleagues, really difficult to answer, so the exercise was rather lost on me. However, in terms of vision I thought this would be a great thinking process for me and my team’s personal development, so I took the questions to our Friday leadership meeting. There was consensus that we work through them at two questions per week and share the following week.
So here they are:
1. What am I doing for myself in terms of learning?
2. What is the business and your life asking of you right now?
3. If you were to fast forward to the end of next year, what would you like to see?
4. Taking your highest future possibilities, what would be the most valuable question you could ask yourself?
5. What emerges when you ask yourself no 4?
6. What is your intention and vision of how things will happen?
7. Where in your current reality are you already doing this or achieving aspects of your vision?
8. What do you have to let go for this to happen?
And then
If I could go back in time and speak to myself when I was starting my career, what advice would I offer myself? Would be interested to know how you find these: easy or difficult questions?
Colleen Backstrom
Colleen Backstrom is Director of NeuroMarketing, Kaleidoscope, a global leader in applied NeuroMarketing for Digital. She specialises in creating B2B email and web campaigns and optimising Zoom/Teams selling by converting existing sales pitches to NeuroMarketing.

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“One small POSITIVE THOUGHT in the morning, can change the entire outcome of your day.”