Sacred Bow: An Intentional Way to Close Out the Old Year & Start the New Year
Leo recommends a process of taking stock, thinking about where we’ve been, and to use that experience to grow… read more>
We’re all logical thinkers, right? Why then do we do stupid things?
If you’ve ever asked yourself, “Well, that was idiotic, what was I thinking?” An awareness of our brain’s emotional default provides insight…read more>
The Four Languages of Failure
An author on business writing (Tom Sant) describes four languages of failure which often get between us and our audience…read more>

De-escalating worry
In order to maintain its power, common anxiety (sometimes called worrying) needs your help. Constant reminders, moments of conflict and concrete…read more>
The big picture tells a thousand words – right? But what do we do about mobile?
There’s a tech versus design debate going on in our studio. We’re email and web specialists in Applied NeuroMarketing. As such, we understand the power of pictures to tell the brand story….read more>
Fresh Start Effect
Special occasions or temporal landmarks, such as a new year, or a birthday cause people to reflect on their lives in a big-picture way, which in turn inspires them to set goals for better behavior. This phenomenon is referred to as the fresh-start effect… read more>
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“One small POSITIVE THOUGHT in the morning, can change the entire outcome of your day.”