Not as scary as you think…
Protection of Personal Information Act 1 July ‘21… With so much media hype and scare stories, it’s reassuring to come across this helpful legal guidance on POPIA – in plain English – from Elizabeth Stadler… read more>

5 points to consider before you re-design your website
People want to get on, get the info, and get off quickly. So lose the flash and those gorgeous…read more>
Referral selling: The Untapped Sales Channel
Word-of-Mouth Referrals [WOM] are one most powerful forms of marketing your business or service… read more>

Why is your online marketing is not working?
We came across this brilliant video with very in-depth sons that most certainly got our team thinking… read more>
Milkshake Marketing: And the “The jobs to-be-done point of view
This week a client asked me to create a Neuromarketing ecampaign with the objective of getting more people at a shopping mall…
read more>

Email marketing, top 5 alerts!
With strong management pressure to prove sales, it has never been easier for email marketers…read more>

Add a little joy to your
Marketing mix
After all, we all like to laugh. And we like to make our friends laugh. And so we send on the funny ads to friends… and the brand goes viral… read more>

Top 3 issues for email marketing executives
“He who controls the database controls the market” is a fundamental principle of emarketing success… read more>

3 Reasons why people won’t buy your products
They don’t believe they have the problem that your product or service offers to solve…. read more>

Do-not-reply emails are just plain RUDE
This morning in my inbox there are no less than 7 emails from marketing campaigns actively telling me, as a prospective customer… read more>
What Makes a Good Corporate ID
A good corporate ID is like a good suit. It instantly tells people who you are. It says something about your style, what you do, and how you do it…read more>

The Perfect eMail design checklist
I’m often asked to help with a “perfect” email template. Although every job and design is different here is a simple checklist that we use… read more>
Top 3 lessons from the world’s most successful email campaign
I am often asked, what was the most successful
Email marketing? Don’t waste your money
This is another one for the email marketer who wants to try-it-once
-and-see-if-it works. Don’t waste your money…read more>

Recovery thinking: Sales in a post pandemic world
After the first few overwhelming months of a post-pandemic world, corporates are showing signs and stirrings towards recovery thinking… read more>

Think about email capture forms like a customer
The big picture tells a thousand words – right? But what do we do about mobile?
There’s a tech versus design debate going on in our studio. We’re email and web specialists in Applied NeuroMarketing. As such, we understand the power of pictures to tell the brand story….read more>
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Outsource your web and email marketing to us; we apply NeuroMarketing to your sales message to engage your client’s “buying” brain. And in an uncertain and emotional world - the perfect time and space in which to apply neuroscience - you now have the opportunity to make this year, your best year ever.
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“One small POSITIVE THOUGHT in the morning, can change the entire outcome of your day.”